1. In the working world, we are advised to make sure that for whatever good we do, we have to make sure that our bosses know about it and that we get due recognition for it. Why we need to do this ? The world explains: "it is not because we want to boast of our achievements, but rather that we have make sure that we are being fairly compensated." We are told that in the workplace, things are quite complex and thus it is actually our responsibility for our bosses to know the good which we do so that they can then more effectively use us.
2. As with most of the common worldly advises that we hear, the above one appears to be reasonable, practical and not wrong (if not outright good). And so we adopt the advice, try to act it out, see if it fits with our constitution, our conscience.
3. But somehow, try as we might, we see that we can't do it with full gusto, for there is a nagging sensation. Perhaps our skin needs to be thicken up a bit, the world tell us. But maybe perhaps a certain part of our self (the better part ?) restraints us out of a sense of shame/modesty.
4. But what exactly is wrong ? when we look within ourselves, we aren't able to entangle the conundrum, something is wrong, but what... We spend a few minutes pondering about it, but get nowhere, and soon the ten thousand distractions of the world, it's blinding lights and deafening sound it siren calls beacons to us and soon we are swept along the broad and wide road of worldly affairs and intrigues...
5. We consigned the advice into the back of our minds, never able to be fully comfortable with it, yet not being able to challenge it. And so, along with a multitude of other half processed thoughts and ideas, the advice joined the litters of our inner world.
6. But then, now and then, an Elder comes along and helps us clarify our doubts. So today was that day for me, for this question about making sure we market ourselves well. Should we do this ? By what degrees ?
7. Saint Theophan gives us a resounding answer. No, by no means act in this way. In fact, act entirely the opposite way. Leave as much of the good you do unseen, but if you can't help it, then let it be seen.
8. Why? The answer is simple, because we are to will and do good for God sake. For the sake of the goodness itself. If we do good in this way, we reap blessed spiritual fruits: peace, love, joy, the gamut of spiritual consolation. And ultimately the good that we do unrecognized, it gets publish anyway. The presence of grace is unmistakable. The goodness, it is undeniable.
9. To do otherwise than this is hypocrisy. What is hypocrisy, to make an appearance of doing good. This is the strict form of hypocrisy, to want to show we are good, whether we actually do good is besides the point, once we want to show that we are doing good, we corrupt everything, everything now is rendered null and void. If we want to show our goodness, we can't actually do any good.
10. Thus, with the advice of the Saints, I find yet another resolution to one of the nagging doubts in my life. This is an immense gift and has lifted up much guilt I experience at the workplace.
11. I now know how to labor properly, the best sort of labor perhaps is just to pray for others, entirely invisible, entirely oriented to their spiritual good, entirely an act of faith. How beautiful and meaningful is this activity.
12. May God grant me more strength, more fervor and more attention to pray for others in my life. Amen.
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